Types of cookies
Persistent cookies remain on your computer after you close your browser. Persistent cookies will remain on your computer or mobile device for days, months, or even years, storing persistent information such as your username and password so that you do not have to login again.
Session cookies are deleted from your computer after you close your browser. They help store temporary information such as the information you provide when you shop online.
First-party cookies can be either permanent or temporary, and they store information that you will reuse the next time you visit the pages from which they were stored on your computer.
Third-party cookies i.e. advertising cookies are stored on your computer when you use commercials and ads on the site you are visiting and it redirects you to a third party. This is used to monitor the use of the Internet for advertising purposes.
This website uses cookies to improve the user experience, to ensure secure functioning of the site and for actions taken independently by website user (web form for sending messages or seeking services). Session cookies are deleted when you close your web browser. Their sole purpose is to enhance the user experience while you visit the site. Persistent cookies have no restrictions and remain stored in your browser until manually deleted. The data collected is used for statistical purposes only.
Website traffic measurement
Our site uses Google Analytics traffic measurement services. The data collected in this way cannot identify website user, and all data is used for statistical purposes only. If you want to prevent these services from storing cookies, you can do so at the following link:
Google Analytics – https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout
To disable storage of cookies for different services you can do so at following links:
Detailed description of cookie control for different browsers:
Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=hr
Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/hr/kb/Uklju%C4%8Divanje%20i%20 isklju%C4%8Divanje%20kola%C4%8Di%C4%87a
Internet Explorer: http://windows.microsoft.com/hr-HR/internet-explorer/delete-manage-cookies#ie=ie-11
Opera: https://www.opera.com/help/tutorials/security/cookies/
Safari: https://support.apple.com/hr-hr/HT201265
All our online activities are in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the Act on the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (Official Gazette 42/2018)